Yongkai Fan,Validating the integrity of Convolutional Neural Network predictions based on Zero-Knowledge Proof, information Science, (中科院1区+CCF B期刊), 2023
Fine-Grained Visual Interpretability fValidating the integrity of Convolutional, Digital Communications and Networks (通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区+中科院1区),2023.
Optimal Control of Asymmetrical Multi-Agent Switching Systems,IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, (通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区),2022
Yongkai Fan, Robust End Hopping for Secure Satellite Communication in Moving Target Defense, IEEE IoT (JCR1区+中科院1区+IoT类顶刊), 2022
Fine-Grained Visual Interpretability for Convolutional Neural Network, Digital Communications and Networks (通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区+中科院1区),2022
Yongkai Fan, Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning on Big Data in Cloud, China Communication (JCR2区+中科院3区), 2022
Yongkai Fan, A Study on Optimally Constructed Compactly Supported Orthogonal Wavelet Filters, Computer Science and Information Systems (JCR3区+中科院4区), 2022
CIDNN: A Provably Convergent Interpretation for Deep Neural Networks,Applied Soft Computing Journal, (通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF 推荐期刊),2021
Yongkai Fan, Data Privacy Preserving of K-means Clustering Algorithm Based on Secure Multi-party Computing, JPDC, (JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF B期刊),2021
Yongkai Fan, SBBS: A Secure Blockchain-based Scheme for IoT Data Credibility in Fog Environment,IEEE IoT, (JCR1区+中科院1区+IoT类顶刊), 2021.
Yongkai Fan, One Enhanced Secure Access Scheme for Outsourced Data, information Science, (JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF B期刊), 2021.
Yongkai Fan, Privacy Preserving Based Logistic Regression on Big Data, Journal of Network and Computer Application, (JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF 推荐期刊), 2020.
Yongkai Fan, SNPL: One Scheme of Securing Nodes in IoT Perception Layer, Sensors, (JCR1区+中科院2区),2020
Secure Data Storage and Recovery in Industrial Blockchain Network Environments, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,( JCR1区+中科院1区+高被引),2020
Yongkai Fan,A Security Scheme for Fog Computing Environment of IoT,IoT S&P workshop in CCS 19,CCS, 2019
Yongkai Fan , A Blockchain-Based Data-Sharing Architecture, Blocksys19,2019
Yongkai Fan, TraceChain: a blockchain-based scheme to protect data confidentiality and traceability, Software: Practice and Experience, (CCF 推荐B类期刊 + JCR 2区 + 中科院3区),2019
Yongkai Fan, A Secure Privacy Preserving Deduplication Scheme for Cloud Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF推荐期刊), 2019
Yongkai Fan, One Secure Data Integrity Verification Scheme for Cloud Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF推荐期刊), 2019
Yongkai Fan, Fine-Grained Access Control Based on Trusted Execution Environment,Future Generation Computer Systems(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF推荐期刊), 2020
Yongkai Fan, One Secure IoT Scheme for Protection of True Nodes, Leture Note in Computer Science(EI国际期刊), 2019。
Yongkai Fan, CSCAC: one Constant-size CPABE Access Control scheme in Trusted Execution Environment, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering(EI国际期刊),2019